Sandwizz® – live on Kickstarter

Sandwizz® – live on Kickstarter

Tradition Meets Innovation in Electronics Design

Sandwizz® – live on Kickstarter!

We are live on Kickstarter now… and we need your support.

Your early support is crucial to making this innovative project a reality. Even the best ideas need the right users to succeed.

To show our appreciation, we’re offering a 20% discount on all packages.

Early support not only helps us reach our funding goal but also allows us to plan for quick delivery. By backing us early, you play a key role in our success and ensure we can deliver the best possible product.

Thank you for being part of our journey!

Why Sandwizz® Breadboard?

Revolutionize your approach to electronic prototyping with Sandwizz Breadboard – the ultimate tool designed for both beginners and experienced developers.

Sandwizz® Breadboard is not just an ordinary breadboard. It is so much more! 

Why breadboards?

Breadboards are highly valued for their ability to facilitate quick component placement without the need for soldering, enabling rapid iterations and flexibility in component arrangement. This ease of use is essential for prototyping and experimenting with electronic circuits. 

The downside of traditional Breadboards

However, as circuit complexity increases, translating electronic schematics to breadboard connections becomes a mental challenges. Additionally, numerous jumper wires are required to connect components, which can easily dislodge during adjustments or measurements, leading to potential confusion about their correct placement. The instability of traditional breadboards often complicates the task of accurately reconstructing the setup once components or connections are disturbed.

What the Sandwizz® Breadboard solves

Our new Sandwizz® Breadboard addresses these challenges by offering a more stable and intuitive connection system that significantly reduces the likelihood of disconnections and automates the process of translating circuit diagrams into physical setups. By enhancing the stability and ease of use, our breadboard makes prototyping not only faster but also more reliable, ensuring that your creative process is as smooth and efficient as possible.

With its innovative modular design and built-in components and functionalities, Sandwizz® offers unprecedented flexibility and development efficiency.

Sandwizz® Breadboard in less than 3 minutes

How It Works

Connection between ECAD design and physical construction

Sandwizz® Breadboard is designed to offer the new generation of electronics enthusiasts and experienced developers the optimal tool to realize their projects faster and more efficiently. With Sandwizz® Breadboard, we aim to provide users with the ability to easily experiment and create. 

Take a look how this is done in this video and read about it below the video.

Creation with the Sandwizz Breadboard – Class B amplifier

Design in E-CAD.

Use the KiCad software to create your circuit design. This design becomes the heart of your project and forms the basis for the physical breadboard layout.

We have chosen KiCad because it is open source, giving all our future customers free access to it. Additionally, KiCad is available for Mac, Linux, and Windows. It is also a high-quality ECAD program.

The KiCad software and a netlist

Netlist Upload and Integrated Components

Upload your KiCad netlist to the Sandwizz® Breadboard for advanced processing. The built-in algorithm will transform the KiCad netlist into an optimized Sandwizz® netlist, substituting net labels with row numbers on the breadboard. To facilitate connections between rows that aren’t naturally linked by components, as well as to embedded components within the breadboard, silicon “wires” are integrated into the breadboard structure. The Sandwizz® Breadboard comes loaded with a variety of analog and digital components. It uses intelligent placement to prioritize these embedded components in your design and automates the internal connection process, reducing the need for physical wires. The algorithm will suggest adding extra components only when absolutely necessary, ensuring a streamlined and efficient prototyping experience.

 Intelligent placement and Testing of Components

Follow the guidelines to place your components. Sandwizz® Breadboard validates each step to ensure correct setup and functionality.

Insert components guided by the Sandwizz wizard
Example of a correction of a misplaced transistor. Guided from the Sandwizz terminal interface

Modular Expansion with Library Cards

The Sandwizz® Breadboard introduces modular expansion through a layer of library cards that can be inserted beneath the main breadboard. This distinctive Sandwizz® feature significantly enhances the design’s versatility and capacity by allowing for the integration of additional components alongside those embedded on the main breadboard.

Arduino Nano Library Board

A prime example is the Arduino Nano library board, which incorporates most Arduino Nano modules. This integration ensures seamless interaction with the Sandwizz® Breadboard, combining both into a unified system.

The Arduino Nano Library Board

Cascade Coupling for Expanded Area

The Sandwizz® Breadboard allows for the cascading of multiple breadboards to expand the physical design area, ideal for larger and more complex projects. This is done by the electrical connectors in both ends of the Breadboard.

Cascade Coupling of more Breadboards

Built-in measurement capabilities

From the terminal interface, it is posible to measure voltages on the breadboard at any electrical node, and at multiple nodes at the same time.  

Build-in adjustable power supply

The Sandwizz® Breadboard get its power from the USB interface or any other 5 volt supply. This power can then be adjusted by the user, via the terminal interface, to any voltage between 2 and 5 Volts.

Sandwizz® Protoboards

The Sandwizz® concept introduces protoboards that are designed to seamlessly transition from temporary breadboard setups to durable, permanent electronic circuits. These protoboards are ideal for soldering components, allowing users to solidify their designs for long-term use and reliability. They ensure that every layout from the Sandwizz® breadboard can be easily transferred and soldered, maintaining the integrity and functionality of the original design.

What sets the Sandwizz® protoboards apart is their capability to act as a bridge between initial prototypes and final printed circuit board (PCB) production. This feature is particularly valuable for developers and engineers who need to test their designs in real-world conditions before committing to large-scale manufacturing. Whether you’re developing early-stage prototypes or ready for pre-production testing, the Sandwizz® protoboards provide a robust platform for your projects.

The Sandwizz® Protoboard Concept

Sandwizz® Product sheet

Patent pending

Microaware present the Sandwizz® Breadboard to the public

 Embedded World 2024! | Exclusive Interview with Microaware®

Step back into the excitement of Embedded World 2024 with us! This video takes you inside the Elektor booth for an exclusive look at one of the tech world’s most dynamic gatherings. 
Watch as Elektor’s deep tech reporter, Stuart Cording, explores the latest innovations with an engaging interview with the co-founder of Microaware®.

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Retrospective of the Sandwizz® Breadboard

By Co-funder Tommy Nielsen

Inspiration and Start

My need for something like the Sandwizz® Breadboard started many years ago. For 32 years in my professional career as an electronic engineer and 10 years before that as an electronics maker, I focused on making things easier and frequently worked on new inventions. My experience taught me the importance of quickly creating mockups to illustrate the concept behind an idea. Drawings, schematics, and 3D CAD models on the computer screen often weren’t sufficient to convey ideas to others. Therefore, it became crucial to create something tangible quickly to test and refine the idea. Life has taught me the importance of failing fast and learning by doing. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy studying theory and engaging in deep creative thoughts, but it’s only when we try out these theories and ideas that we truly understand them. At the same time, we also discover what’s missing in our mindset.

My Summer vacation in Spain 2023. I did enjoy the good food and the nice sun, but my mind was with the Sandwizz Breadboard a lot. 

Early Experiments

Between 2015 and 2018, I was involved in developing a new product through an innovation and technological phase in my previous job. It reminded me again of the importance of tools for quick mockup creation, which we partly lacked at that time. In early 2019, while organizing my workshop at home, I found an old yellowed breadboard from my student days and became inspired. Holding this breadboard in one hand and a modern development board in the other, I envisioned the Sandwizz® Breadboard: a contemporary breadboard with integrated components and intelligence for both analog and digital connections.

The 35-year-old breadboard from my student days. Besides being yellowed, nothing has really changed in breadboards in all that time.

Experimental Mockup

In early 2021, I began researching breadboards that were easier to solder. After some experiments, I ordered a prototype breadboard and built a mockup to illustrate the concept. Even with all the wires that are so typical of a traditional  breadboard mockup, the prototype demonstrated that signals could be effectively routed to specific components and connections.

The first mockup of the Sandwizz Breadboard concept was created using a traditional breadboard, the new solderable breadboard modules, a protoboard, and a couple of evaluation kits for the system-on-chip that I wanted to use. It’s a great example of how to use existing tools to create the next generation of a tool in the same category.

Initiating Sandwizz® Breadboard

After a busy period at work, the idea resurfaced in January 2023. Inspired by what I would have wanted as a young engineer and by the goal of helping the younger generation, the Sandwizz® Breadboard was developed. I worked many hours after work, creating the first real version of the Sandwizz® Breadboard. I took a course on Udemy to learn about the KiCad E-CAD software, as I saw it as the perfect choice for a first platform that would be part of the Sandwizz® concept. Additionally, I wanted to refresh my skills in schematics and PCB layout from my earlier days, as I would need those updated skills to create the Sandwizz® Breadboard. This way, I also took my own medicine, the one I would prescribe as a first choice for those working with the concept in the future.

Working on the first true prototype of the Sandwizz® Breadboard, using KiCad for its design.
Lineup of components for Prototype Creation of the Sandwizz® Breadboard
Hotplate is warming up for the SMD soldering
Preparing the Microscope focus for Hotplate SMD soldering
The Sandwizz® Breadboard has undergone several iterations. Not only has the color changed, but elements have also been added to ensure a higher robustness in the design.

Testing the Idea, and Finding a Co-Founder

My close and most trusted colleagues and friends confirmed the value of the idea, and in the summer of 2023, I shared the concept with René. He immediately recognized its potential and became the co-founder of Microaware®. Together, we worked hard on the business plan for Microaware, and in late autumn 2023, we signed the agreement for our new joint company. I would work full-time, and René would be the advisor in his spare time. We quickly concluded that Kickstarter would be the perfect platform to launch our Sandwizz® Breadboard concept. It is a platform frequently visited by the younger generation, which is also our target audience, including DIY makers and students. Furthermore, it is an international platform, which Sandwizz® needs to grow, as the Danish domestic market, although sizable, could easily become too niche-focused for such a product.

René and Tommy shake hands after signing the contract to found Microaware.

Business Establishment and Development

Microaware® was officially established on February 1st, with a hardware release candidate for the Sandwizz® Breadboard ready for testing. While the product’s hardware needed testing for robustness, the firmware was still under development. Throughout the Kickstarter campaign and beyond, we planned to optimize the algorithm for accurate component placement to ensure seamless implementation once the hardware is fully produced.

The release candidate of the Sandwizz Breadboard hardware. Here, an application is demonstrated with a Class B amplifier, including an LED VU meter, test tone generator, volume potentiometer, and USB stream interface for music.

Presentation and Future Plans

Despite being just a two-person team, our combined experience in business management, innovation, and electronics design has enabled us to create the Sandwizz® Breadboard from a home office. Even before the official launch of the company, we dedicated countless hours to developing the business and the concept, investing much more time than one might expect for a company that officially began in February 2024. The product was presented at Embedded World 2024 in Nuremberg, where it attracted considerable interest. With Kickstarter, we aim to reach a broader audience that can recognize the potential for more efficient electronics development. We believe that once the right people see the Sandwizz® Breadboard, they’ll appreciate how it can effectively transform ideas into practice.

An interview with Elektor magazine attracted a lot of attention following the publication of their newsletter.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the Sandwizz® Breadboard?

The Sandwizz® Breadboard is a revolutionary electronic prototyping platform that seamlessly translates digital designs into physical prototypes. It enhances stability, reduces wiring complexity, and accelerates the design process through its modular and intelligent design features.

How does the Sandwizz® Breadboard differ from traditional breadboards?

Unlike traditional breadboards, the Sandwizz® Breadboard features an advanced connection system that minimizes dislodgements, has built-in components for immediate use, and offers modular expansion capabilities. It’s designed to make electronic prototyping faster, more intuitive, and less error-prone.

Can I integrate the Sandwizz® Breadboard with other development boards?

Yes! The Sandwizz® Breadboard includes library cards such as the Arduino Nano Library Board, allowing for seamless integration with various development boards and enhancing the versatility of your projects.

What kind of components are pre-loaded on the Sandwizz® Breadboard?

The Sandwizz® Breadboard comes with a variety of both analog and digital components pre-installed. 

How do I use the cascade coupling feature?

The cascade coupling feature allows you to expand your project’s physical design area by connecting multiple Sandwizz® Breadboards. Each breadboard can be connected end-to-end securely through electrical connectors, enabling larger and more complex circuit designs.

What are the power options for the Sandwizz® Breadboard?

The Sandwizz® Breadboard can be powered via a USB interface or any other 5-volt supply. It features an adjustable power supply that allows users to set the voltage between 2 and 5 volts according to the needs of their project.

Is the Sandwizz® Breadboard suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! While it’s advanced enough for experienced developers, it’s also designed to be user-friendly for beginners. The built-in Wizard and the intuitive interface help guide new users through the setup and prototyping process.

What measures are in place to ensure product durability and quality?

The Sandwizz® Breadboard is built with high-quality materials designed to withstand frequent use and modifications. We rigorously test each unit to ensure good quality.

How does the Sandwizz® Breadboard contribute to environmental sustainability?

The Sandwizz® Breadboard encourages the reuse of electronic components and reduces waste by eliminating the need for permanent soldering in the prototyping phase. This design philosophy not only saves materials but also aligns with sustainable practices.

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Kickstarter Packages

1. Early Bird Package – €79

  • Contents:
  • Sandwizz Breadboard
  • USB cable
  • Transport case
  • Components to build different Maker projects
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Access to online tutorials
  • Special price: Early Bird Discount
  • Note: Shipping costs, VAT, and any applicable customs duties are not included in the price. Subject to typographical and printing errors.

2. The Basic Package – €89

  • Contents:
  • Sandwizz Breadboard
  • USB cable
  • Transport case
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Access to online tutorials
  • Kickstarter Price: Reduced
  • Note: Shipping costs, VAT, and any applicable customs duties are not included in the price. Subject to typographical and printing errors.

3. The Standard Package – €99

  • Contents:
  • Sandwizz Breadboard
  • USB cable
  • Transport case
  • Components to build different Maker projects
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Access to online tutorials
  • Kickstarter Price: Reduced
  • Note: Shipping costs, VAT, and any applicable customs duties are not included in the price. Subject to typographical and printing errors.

4. Extended Standard Package – €119

  • Contents:
  • Sandwizz Breadboard
  • USB cable
  • Transport case
  • Components to build different Maker projects
  • Arduino Nano library card with socket (Arduino Nano not included)
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Access to online tutorials
  • Kickstarter Price: Reduced
  • Note: Shipping costs, VAT, and any applicable customs duties are not included in the price. Subject to typographical and printing errors.

5. Protoboard Package – €189

  • Contents:
  • Sandwizz Breadboard
  • USB cable
  • Transport case
  • Components to build different Maker projects
  • A set of PCBs for protoboard (designs for more permanent setup)
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Access to online tutorials
  • Kickstarter Price: Reduced
  • Note: Shipping costs, VAT, and any applicable customs duties are not included in the price. Subject to typographical and printing errors.

6. Arduino lib & Protoboard Package – €279

  • Contents:
  • 2x Sandwizz Breadboard
  • USB cable
  • Transport case
  • Components to build different Maker projects
  • Arduino Nano library card with socket (without Arduino Nano)
  • A set of PCBs for protoboard (designs for more permanent setup)
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Access to online tutorials
  • Kickstarter Price: Reduced
  • Note: Shipping costs, VAT, and any applicable customs duties are not included in the price. Subject to typographical and printing errors.

These packages are tailored to accommodate a range of needs from beginners to advanced makers and professionals, emphasizing early support benefits and exclusive Kickstarter pricing.



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